Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Taking (what's left of) the summer off

Hey guys, I know that I haven't been posting at all, but I'm going to wait until I head back to NY to get back on schedule.

Until then!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 1

It's 9 pm and guess what? Still alive. I'm happy to report a successful first day on my cleansing trial. This morning, I woke up and had a great breakfast, (I'll remember to snap pictures tomorrow) consisting of a 2-egg omelet and a slice of Fiber One whole grain toast. I don't know what it is about omelets, but something about them tastes so fantastic, even plain. When I do add something, I put in any type of shredded cheese, ham or turkey, tomatoes, sometimes some veggies, or whatever sounds good that AM. The combination of high fiber toast and protein packed eggs was the best choice I could have made for my first day on the cleanse.

Come lunchtime, it was time to finally try my Vanilla Bean Lean Shake. I threw two scoops, a few ice cubes, and 8 ounces of water into a blender, and threw it down the hatch. The flavor was pretty good, but I wasn't crazy about the consistency. That being said, I knew I wanted it to be a little thicker. At 180 calories a serving, I also figured that it would be no big deal to add a few healthy ingredients to beef it up. For my dinner shake, I threw in about 3/4 of blueberries, and half a pack of Chobani yogurt in addition to the ice and water in the blender. That added about 140 calories, so I wasn't worried about that, especially since it was 140 calores of calcium, probiotics, and antioxidants. I let the shake sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes, and was delightfully surprised by the result. I got a creamy, smoothie like shake that had a thicker texture, and a fun variety of flavor.

I definitely got a little hungry today, so I ate 2 small plums (60 calories for both) just so that my body didn't go into starvation mode, and felt a big difference. I'm excited for tomorrow, and definitely hope the shakes are a success!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nutritional Products and Summer Slimdowns

Hey dolls! I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but things have been pretty hectic and I wanted to be able to put full attention into my posts when I wrote them, so I'm back! Throughout the duration of June and July, I've maintained my weight and health *pretty* well, even after going home for a few months and being exposed to so many great foods and family get togethers. My family comes to me for a lot of health advice, and there's nobody else that I'd rather help but them, so I love being able to help out when I can.

My older sister has been struggling on the front of a healthy lifestyle, like so many people are, and talked to me about cleansing and detoxing. Personally, I know myself well, and I don't think I could get through a cleanse for 7 days. I would hate it, and starve, and that's not exactly how I enjoy living a healthy lifestyle. That being said, why pass on that negative trend to someone else who wants to be exposed to great health and a better lifestyle?

I'm a big advocate for vitamin and supplements, because those little pills can go a long way. I never really go to health or supplement stores, solely for purposes of money, and me not having much of it as a student. So today I talked to my sister and suggested we go to GNC to look around and see if anything sparked our interests. We talked to the employees, read some products, and kept going back to the GNC Total Lean™ Lean Shake™.* My sister and I purchased one 16-serving container in the Vanilla Bean and plan on starting tomorrow. The shake is loaded with protein and fiber, so it keeps in the nutritional value during your diet. The product also includes a personal 2 week diet and exercise plan that is super great, and even though we are alternating it a little, I would absolutely try their 2 week recommendation. Our plan is to eat a sensible breakfast, around 250 calories, with whole grains and either Chobani* greek yogurt or two eggs, and replace lunch and dinner with a shake for each meal. Each serving is 180 calories, and you can blend it with ice to give it more of a shake feel and taste. We are doing this plan for 4 days and hope to get a fast, yet healthy and fulfilling jump start to a healthy diet lifestyle. I will blog every day and talk about our experience using this product, (which by the way, smells so good-can't wait to taste!)

I recommend that everyone go to a nutrition store and at least look around, I tried a few samples, and would easily buy what I tried, and so many other things in the store that I saw. One thing that shocked me were the prices, they were easily half the price of anything that I walked in expecting. A good surprise! Our shake mix was only $30 and there wasn't much else in the store that was over that price, so amazing. Go check it out!

As for me, check back tomorrow and I'll give you my first day details.

*No private endorsements

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Heat + Encouragement = No Such Luck

At 5 pm today, I looked at the thermometer and it had GONE DOWN to 103. It's only June, right?! I guess that's what happens when you go south for the summertime - heat! Today I worked worked worked in the morning before the scorching numbers arrived, and completely chilled for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Totally needed.

One thing that I find myself constantly reminding myself, and also preaching to others is the importance of "spoiling your appetite". Sounds like your parent's worse nightmare, right? I am an avid Bethenny Frankel fan (http://www.bethenny.com/) and give her so much credit for my changed lifestyle. I've been a fan of Bethenny since The Apprentice, and only loved her more when she appeared on The Real Housewives (best show ever, who's with me?). Bethenny is also the author of incredible and inspiring books, such as Naturally Thin (http://www.bethenny.com/2010/05/08/naturally-thin/). Naturally Thin gives readers "rules" on how to live your life of eating, and through simple words and explanations, I have learned to incorporate them into my life every day, so easily. If I preach one rule the most, it's that you should never diet. Instead, change how you live your life, and how you eat day to day.

My next favorite rule is again, spoiling your appetite. The purpose of this rule emphasizes the importance of one of my favorite things: snacking. I believe the most common misconception of snacking is that it's "unnecessary calories", which is only true if you make it true. Snacking shouldn't be grabbing a 400 calorie candy bar because it's there and you want it, snacking should be eating a 100-200 calorie piece of food that supreses your appetite so that you aren't starving for your next meal and end of eating much more than you really needed to. By eating a filling, fiber filled snack, you will feel satisfied, and not so distracted by your hunger. Have a piece of toast with PB, or like me, have a big juicy apple. 100 calories of this will not only surprisingly fill you up, but you also won't have guilt about eating something wholesome and low-cal.

Another important aspect of this rule that Bethenny highlights is practicing it before you go out to eat. If you eat a healthy snack right before you go out to dinner, you're bound to eat less because of the food that's already sitting in your stomach. Saying no to the bread basket because you already are digesting will easily save you a couple hundred unnecessary calories. So start eating a snack when you feel like it, and treat it as a mini meal, not just a bottomless open bag of tortilla chips on your desk. Personally, when the weather gets this hot, I don't always eat a snack, and that's fine! Listen to your body, what it really wants, and you're on your road to success.

Quick personal update, today was a rest day. It was SO hot out, and I've been working hard lately. So I cleaned the house in the AM, painted the outside of the garage, and just relaxed. My rest workout was just a nice brisk walk out in the sun, about 3.5 to 4 miles. Nothing strenuous, but I always feel better for doing something like that then doing nothing at all. Breakfast was again fantastic, same as yesterday. Bran for Life toast with fried egg on top and a half grapefruit.

For lunch I had a small cup of leftover chicken noodle soup (yes, I can eat soup in any season!) seasoned with hot sauce and pepper, and I cut up an apple and spread a dollop of fat free vanilla yogurt over it. Such a refreshing flavorful lunch.

Snack between lunch and dinner, and post walk: Big Fuji apple, I know, I'm addicted.

Dinner: Fresh bed of lettuce topped with leftover pesto pasta, a few chunks of white chicken breast, cut up slices of cantaloupe, and a small handful of almonds. SO delicious. I love salads because I have such a love for fresh whole vegetables, and I love taking them all in from a colorful plate of whole food. I never use dressing on my salad, not so much because it's extra calories, but because I love taking in the veggie taste without it being covered up. If I do use something because it's too dry, I'll use a splash of lemon or extra virgin olive oil. it adds the moisture without taking away from the taste.

Going out to lunch tomorrow, my menu-adventures await ; )

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Daily Grind

It's Hump day! It's been a pretty relaxing/hectic/stressful week all in one if that even sounds plausible. The heat has been rising, but the humidity I can't even believe! Don't get me wrong, I love working out under the hot sun, but the humidity makes it a little (so much) less fun. Today I've decided to share my daily routine with you guys, because one thing that always helps me to stay motivated is to be inspired by other people, and to see what they like to do in their own lives to stay healthy and fit. Plus I took pictures, and who doesn't love pictures.

Yesterday was a very easy, balanced day. I felt good about what I accomplished, worked out in the morning, and also at night to rev up my metabolism twice. I got a little "snack-happy" at night, but I can allow myself to feel okay about it because the rest of my day was balanced, it's what I really wanted, and it was a splurge of healthy things, but definitely a splurge : ).

Breakfast I usually stick with the same kind of food. I think the best way to start your day is with plenty of protein and fiber. It fills you up, energizes you, and will power your system for the entire day ahead. I top a piece of "Bran for Life" toast (RUN to your store and grab a loaf, it is so incredible. 80 calories for the most filling, nutritious bread you will ever eat) with an egg, however you want it cooked, and usually pair it with some kind of fruit or yogurt.

Before my first run, I had a "Special K Protein Water" which I was a little nervous about trying, but was so surprised and delighted when I tried it, it was delicious! With an added bonus of fiber in there, what's a better way to rev up your morning workout. I did just under 4 miles in the AM outside.

Lunch yesterday was a quick meal between tons of errands. I was in the mood for a little flavor, a little meat, and a little bit of Mexico. I grabbed half a tortilla, put a spoonful or two of my homemade fresh salsa, a sprinkle of boiled chicken, an egg white, and some hot sauce, and was good to go. The benefit of a heartier breakfast is that it stays with you longer, so that you'll never be starving by lunch time.

Between lunch and dinner I had a huge apple, so good, and so perfect. Dinner was refreshing and just enough to satisfy me. I never like to eat much right before I go to bed because I hate waking up feeling full. Bed of fresh greens topped with some chicken, veggie bean salad, and a couple of swirls of pesto feta pasta. (my splurge of the day was eating copious amounts of the veggie bean salad with plain tortilla chips-so good.

After dinner I went to the gym for a quick 30 minute power workout, just to finish the day. A quick 2 mile run will work wonders before going to bed.

When the summer hits, I usually find myself naturally eating less. I'm a big snack fan, and sometimes when I think about eating a midday snack, I realize that I'm just not hungry enough for it. No forcing, just recognizing what your body is telling you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Setting Goals

We all do it, and we all don't always meet them, but no matter who we are or what we come up with, it's human nature to set goals for our futures. Usually around the date of, say, January 2nd, I hear what seems like thousands of goals from everyone I pass and every conversation I take part in. I used to join in and conform to the goals of what other people were coming up with, but then I realized that after years of setting them, they never really were met, and usually, I never saw them being accomplished by any of my friends either.

I knew it was time to stand back and look at why my goals weren't being met, and also where I could find the motivation to change that. First of all, when "everyone else is doing it" suddenly it's not so personal, and not getting much of your front runner attention. Also, chances are you didn't really consider why you wanted to do it, and just said any old goal spur the moment.

So I declare that it's time to redefine goals; what they are, what they're for, and what it means to set them. Most commonly, goals have to do with how much weight you want to lose by a crazy deadline. Lose 25 pounds in 2-3 months? Let's get real here! Think about your future, your overall health, and how you feel about yourself. If you put time and effort into getting in touch with you, your goals will be much easier to reach because you will have gained a level of motivation within yourself that you wouldn't have otherwise. That being said, when you know that you want to change something in your life or reach a goal, make it realistic so that you can really get there. Tell yourself that you will lose 5 pounds, and don't give yourself a time restriction. Sit down, plan out some meals, go to a grocery store and get the best foods that you can, and inspire yourself to be active. With all of the positive influences and possibly changes incorporated into your life, you will be automatically inspiring yourself to keep with your goal and to really get there after you set it.

Most importantly, I've found for myself that once I've changed my lifestyle in order to reach my goal, I usually exceed my original number and find that I've allowed myself to enjoy my life and how I've changed it, especially because of the positive results. Chances are, your original number will go up without you setting it higher, and you will continue to see results just by living in your new and positive lifestyle. Sit down with yourself, think about where you want to be, and where you are. Get out and look at things, experience new possibilities, and start incorporating some into your life that appeal to you. You never know where you (or your waistline!) could end up in two months.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Most Important Meal of the Day

You all know the saying, but do you apply it to your own life? When I lived an obsessive uneducated food life, I never ate breakfast. I thought it was unneeded calories, and there was no reason to fill my body with food just after I got up. Now I look back on this and am completely shocked that I was able to get through the day.

Reasons to reconsider my newly adored AM yum-fest:

Mid-day Binge: By not chowing down after you wake up, your body continues to live off of nothing. If you eat dinner and don't eat until the next day lunchtime, your body is running on empty for 18 hours! Asleep or not asleep, I couldn't possibly go that long without eating, and neither should you. Waiting that long will eventually take a toll on your stomach and energy level. Come lunch time, chances are you will divulge in endless calories that you could have easily avoided with a 200-300 calorie breakfast to start the day.

Coffee and Tea: Having a Cup O' Joe (or O' Tea) after waking up is a sure fire way to start the day off right. Your body takes in natural antioxidants, and gives you a quick boost of caffeine. For coffee drinkers, only drink a cup or 2 of regular coffee during the first few hours of the day, and switch to decaf if necessary, giving your body plenty of time to relax the caffeine out of your bloodstream before you end your day. For tea drinkers, try green tea! A magical little bag of this stuff is packed with benefits for your body. It's been known to increase fat burn, release antioxidants, and prevent health conditions. It tastes good, too!

Fiber Time: Breakfast is a time that we can take in a high amount of fiber, which couldn't be a healthier way to start the day. On the other hand, fiber shouldn't be "jam-packed" in your "jam-packed with cream cheese, overly sized bagel". Bagels, although a quick fix for hunger lack in nutritional value and can easily cost you 500-600 calories, not exactly how you wan't to start your day. Fiber can be hidden in so many great foods that we don't think of it to be in. Go buy a box of plain Bran cereal (preferably not Rasin Bran), add some fresh fruit and skim milk, and you'll be amazed with the wholesome and filling taste. It's a big bowl of delicious fiber! Oatmeal, fat-free yogurt, fresh fruit, and whole grain toast with jam will not only give you your fiber-fix, but will satisfy your body so much more and for a longer period of time.

Eat breakfast every day for a week and I guarantee you will see a tremendous difference that you will never look back from. Chances are you will naturally get up earlier and feel more awake, you won't be a ravenous hyena come lunch, and your body will start looking and feeling better. Plus, by not eating breakfast you're missing out on so many yummy foods! So go have a grapefruit and some oatmeal and live your day to it's true fullest.

Things to be Happy About

So the past couple of days have been personally beyond terrible, and in spite of this, I've decided to remind myself of all the good things. I think it's important to always remember the things in your life that make you happy on the good days instead of losing sight of them on the rare bad days. That being said, make a list, take a breather, and smile!

-All of this dreary rain recently will bring even more beautiful flowers, green grass, and warm weather by the end of it.
-It's iced coffee season, go experiment and enjoy!
-Time to officially put away the winter clothes, no more having to unpack them after being overly hopeful.
-You can take long walks and play outside! In the heat!
-It's beach and pool season, grab a bikini, a good book, and veg for the day.
-Everyone is overall in a better mood and smiling in the sunshine
-You now have a legitimate excuse to procrastinate because you really do have to give yourself that pedicure.
-Open toed shoes!
-It's baseball season, fan or not, go to a game with some friends and a good time is sure to be had.
-Cookies are a year round food!
-You are loved
-The white iPhone has finally arrived!
-You can drink summery drinks with little umbrellas and not look strange because it's snowing
-It's not snowing!
-Warm weather by law requires more ice cream outings
-Friend and family barbeques

These are just a few things, and just by thinking about them it's hard to not crack a smile. When the going gets rough, focus on what's ahead and what the great things are that are in front of you, because through thick and thin, they are bound to be there.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Would You Like Whipped Cream with That?

There are so many bizarre claims when it comes to what you drink. The most common being, it's liquid, so my body won't take in the calories as if it were food. I hate to break it to you, but that's ridiculous! After thinking up this blog topic, I decided to take it very seriously (or feed my sudden craving) and go to my favorite coffee shop in Troy, Flavours Cafe. Before I went, I did a little research on just how fattening some of the delicious drinks really are. I was stunned by the results, and completely rethought my order.

So many people take the claim that it won't taste as good if they get the "nonfat" version. Ten years ago, maybe, but with our food revolution, this is far from the truth. Not only can you not taste a difference, but you can save yourself around 500 calories just by throwing in a couple of "skinny" words. So what are the terms and words? And no, I don't mean mocha-frappa-chinolino-quadricafemcdoubletini.

Lite: If you are going to a chain cafe, like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Coffee Bean, then you will find the restaurant with "skinny" or lite" options, automatically slashing those calories. If you go to Starbucks and order a Tall Caramel Frappuccino with a little bit of whipped cream, you're tacking on 300 calories to your day. Throw in the little word light, and the same sized drink is setting you back a small 130, and chances are you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a taste test.

Non-fat/no sugar: If you're like me, and prefer the small local cafes, the chances that they'll have "lite" and "skinny" versions right on the menu are not as high. However, this doesn't mean you can't make it happen. Next time you ask for your vanilla latte, ask for a non-fat, no sugar version, and your barista won't hesitate to put in the order. Non fat will give you skim milk instead of whole or cream. This alone will save you 140 calories! Also, the difference in sugar and whipped cream can save you an additional 200. We're talking almost 400 calories just by saying two little words that your taste buds won't even recognize.

When you walk into a cafe or a bakery, remember first and foremost that it shouldn't be an every day indulgence, so chances are it's a nice treat for your tummy. That being said, remember that you will have more of these moments, and there's no reason to put all of your eggs in one basket, or in this case, all of them into your coffee mug. Before coming to the shop, I had my heart set on a fruit smoothie. I knew that they were natural and fresh, but that they also had some dairy. Not only does this balance out, but it also isn't full of sugar and processed smoothie chain ingredients, allowing me to feel good about my order. Taking a second look at the menu, I saw frozen lemonade with fresh strawberries. The cashier informed me that it was simply fresh lemons and strawberries, and I immediately ordered it. Sipping away at the sweet but delicious drink, not only did I seriously enjoy it, but I seriously enjoyed how I felt after drinking it. Healthy, sure of what I was drinking, and 110% satisfied.

If you're with a friend, they may order that 500 calories cream murderer, and that's fine, but it doesn't mean you have to. The best part of someone your with ordering a marvelous daring drink or that huge mouth watering muffin is that you can taste it. Instead of totally depriving yourself, you get a bite, know the taste, and save the rest of the calories by not eating it. Personally, I'd walk out of the cafe feeling much better about myself then walking out with a bloated stomach and regret. A few minutes of thought can go a long way.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Helloooo, Springtime!

It's finally Spring! (finally being the operative word here in upstate New York!) As for seasons, Spring is a personal fave. The snow finally melts away, the flowers bloom, and you wake up with the peaceful (and yes, sometimes utterly annoying) sound of birds outside of your window. What could be better then this? Well, summer...but it's a start!

My three favorite things about Spring:

1.) Break out the colorful flowing dresses and bask in your pastel glory. There is no better feeling than pealing off your parkas and mittens and trading them for warm weather clothing.

2.) Overall happiness! Not only is the sun radiating warmness, but suddenly so is everyone under it. The warmth brings smiles to people that is brought on so naturally we can't help but appreciate it and live the feeling to it's fullest.

3.) Finally and most of all, being outside. When there are 6 inches of snow and counting on the ground, trudging to the gym, to work, to just about anywhere out of your house suddenly seems like a horrible idea when your electric blanket is beckoning you in bed. When the temperature climbs, it's hard to not be outside.

So, what's my point? GO OUTSIDE! Live up the glorified weather and take in every minute you can. Your body will take in natural vitamins from the sun, you'll be up and moving without even realizing it, and maybe you'll even get to take your dog (or cat..?) on a walk. Although sometimes you need the gym, most of the time you can use the great outdoors. Go for a run, a leisurely walk, or hit the courts with some friends. Being outdoors gives you time to focus on yourself and your energy, and enhances the releasing of endorphines. Personally, I love exercising in parks. Seeing everyone around me running and taking in the sunshine, I become so motivated to be there and accomplish my work out goals. It's also a great time to people watch (check out the guy next to you and show off for him.) Whatever works.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Be your own foodie!

One of the most common ways to "diet" and lose weight is to keep a food journal. Although I am asking that you try this, I'm asking that you try this differently than you may have done before. Keeping a food journal should be all about self awareness, knowing what exactly you're putting into your body, and ultimately figuring out why you're doing it, and how it makes you feel.

Keeping a food diary shouldn't be about calorie number-crunching, because that leads people to think that they can eat any type of food, as long as it's in very tiny amounts. Chances are, you won't be satisfied or full, and your body won't be getting the nutrition and whole ingredients that it yearns for. Instead, you'll be eating little bites, getting the "hunger-grumps" from the crappy food, and you'll only gain satisfaction by staying under your caloric intake. Lame!

Writing down what you eat day to day, or even once in a while can benefit you in ways to jumpstart your new lifestyle. You can stay in touch with what you're putting into your body, and knowing how your body responded afterwards. While you can track your caloric intake, you can look at it as more of being aware of it, and how satisfied you feel after specific foods and dishes.

Break down your list by your three meals and your snacks. Your journal should help you focus on balancing out food amounts, and also balancing out your daily nutrition intake. For example, if your breakfast was full of whole grains, go easy on them the rest of the day, and get your fruits, veggies, and proteins the rest of the day, all in balance. Eating whole foods in a balanced practice and knowing your intake will make you more self aware and respectful of your body. By doing this you will train yourself to eat properly and will notice change in yourself without obsessing, but instead by becoming aware of yourself.

Love thy body, Love thy self

A few years ago, my life changed so exponentially after changing my lifestyle of diet, look on the world, and most importantly, outlook on my own body. I'm happier, healthier, and ever since I've found this magical place, I've wanted to pass on the word to get you there, too. I'll focus on weight loss tips the healthy way, nutrition, personal happiness, and finding peace with your inner self, all things towards a healthier, happier you.

For my first post, I figure, why not talk about what first drew me into this way of living, and start from the very beginning? As a young female in today's world, I constantly face distorted body images, "fad" diets, and the constant pressure to look good. I tried everything. Taping pictures of Victoria's Secret models to my fridge, eating Lean Cuisines for every meal, and believing anything people would tell me would lead me towards success. One day I stopped and realized, why am I doing this? This Lean Cuisine is full of junky preservatives, I'm always hungry, and every I lose the weight, it's back on in a week.

It was then that I stopped obsessing about the body and person I was trying to become, and began focusing on my own body, loving it for what it is, and how I can get it to it's healthiest, in the most positive and natural ways possible.

The first step (after admitting my bizarre yet common problem...) was to do some serious research. I looked to the experts, and went to my library to check out stacks and stacks of health and body books. (See-I even became organic with my research!) Within hours, I was completely consumed. I was so inspired and completely horrified with what I was doing to my body for so long. After all what had it ever done badly to me? I knew it was time for some serious forgiveness, and I began to change my lifestyle from then on.

I have found a peace with myself that I never knew I could discover, I lost weight without even trying, and I learned to love everything about myself, inside and out, a feeling I will never look back from. Now I want to take you there, at your own pace, and with your own rules, because I know that you will love the results and will love yourself.