Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rainy Tuesday

Hello and happy Tuesday! I haven't written in awhile but I feel like I have so much to talk about! A few weeks ago I went to Woodstock with one of my best friends Annika and I had a great time. It was definitely a huge culture shock for me, which definitely made it that much better. Everyone just seemed generally relaxed and happy and I loved the vibe I got just from being in the town. So many cute little shops and cafes on the main stretch, and so much tye-dye! I definitely don't need to see tye-dye for the next 50 years after seeing so much all at once. I met some of her family and we just kicked back and relaxed, blissful. The huge thunderstorm Saturday night didn't hurt either. I took this picture when I was in town, because the guy literally just walked across the street bare footed and lied down on this bench. I couldn't get enough of him!
The end of the semester has brought lots of spur the moment celebrations, aka, food outings, and I've loved every second of it. As long as you order smartly, you can have just as much fun as everyone else without feeling guilty about eating something with crazy high calories! To celebrate a surprise day off of classes (school tradition) my friends and I went to the Cheesecake Factory! Sounds scary, but I got out with under $10 spent, under 500 calories eaten, and a full stomach. I usually get the factory chopped salad which is full of so many amazing veggies and super low cal, but I was absolutely craving pizza! So I compromised and got the sausage flatbread. All the love and yumminess of pizza, but 1 fourth of the calories. It was delicious.
And a couple weeks before that, we went to Ben and Jerry's to celebrate (something?) and instead of a creamy 400 calorie cup, I was just as satisfied with a lower calorie nonfat Frozen Greek Yogurt. Raspberry Fudge Chunk-so good!
Finally on to my workouts! So for the last couple of weeks I've been getting really down on myself for not seriously sweating and being sore like I used to be after and during my workouts, and I couldn't figure out why. Then a couple of weeks ago another one of my best friends Emily told me I should try a workout app! There's honestly an app for everything. So I downloaded Nike Training Club and I'm so amazed by my results. So many new workouts and I sweat like I've never sweat before during them. I do advanced level workouts, and choose workouts depending on whether or not I want to strength train or "lean up". Also, if I do big cardio, I have the option of doing 15-minute target workouts, which focus on any part of your body that you choose. So today I did 30 minute intervals on the treadmill, and then did a 15 minute butt-focus workout. I sweat as much as I did in the 15 minutes as I did on my run! Also, I finally feel sore after, and it's the best feeling ever. Moral of the story, go download the app and run to the gym! Eats wise, my dining hall just got Greek Yogurt-waahooo! It's the little things, but this, is, awesome. Also, I have become obsessed with my banana snack before workouts if I'm dragging going into it. I cut out about a quarter of the banana andI put a tablespoon of PB in it. So good, and so energizing.
I bought some Luna bars over the weekend and I'm so excited to try them out! One of the boxes is protein packed bars, so I'm even more excited for that! My weekend was really nice otherwise. Stayed off campus for a night and had a relaxing weekend and enjoyed the (somewhat nice) weather. We went on a really nice walk near Loudonville which made me a very happy girl and had some yummy food during the couple of days. It's supposed to be beautiful this weekend so I'm even more excited to be outside again. Definitely will have to make it exciting to write about it! Enjoy the rest of your week and I will update next week! -Linnhe

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