Saturday, August 4, 2012

DIY "Fouboutins"!

DIY Louboutin style! I have had a pretty bland summer and I've decided to entertain myself with some fun crafts and projects, how fun is that? I grabbed a pair of black heels, and gave it my own edge with pink bottoms. Guilty, I did a nude pair of pumps in red.

-Cotton balls/rubbing alcohol
-White nail polish
-(Any) color nail polish
-Dixie cups, or small throw-away containers
-Newspaper, or something to lay on the floor
-Several(!) throw away paint brushes

1.) Pour entire bottle of white nail polish and color nail polish into separate cups.
2.) Rub a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol over the soles of the shoes to clean them off.
3.) Paint each shoe sole with white nail polish. Make sure the soles are completely covered, enough that you will use the entire bottle of (.5 ounces) of white polish. Wait to dry.
4.) Repeat step 3. with the color nail polish over the white, again using the whole bottle, if not some of another bottle. For the pink, I only used one bottle, but for the red, I used two. How much you use is completely up to you and what you prefer!
5.) Let the shoes dry with the soles up for a few hours. If you get paint on the shoes themselves, the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol works well!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Blog Love

Go read, love, and enter her Jack Rogers contest! Amazing blog for amazing ladies!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

End of May Update

Good evening and hello again! Since the last time I updated, SO much has happened! Looking back on a relatively short time, I've experienced a remarkable amount of change. For a brief summary, I'll explain the end of my semester. My friends and I had so many unbelievable times, and purely enjoyed our last weeks as seniors. We had some great adventures, and some great celebrations. For our senior retreat, we went as a class to Lake Placid, which of course was wonderful. So many cute little boutiques, great food, and purely relaxation time. When I know I"m going to be picking at unhealthy things, I focus on only consuming those calories, to make it easier to come back, and to not feel so badly. Instead of eating a lunch and dinner meal, I just allowed myself to taste and try all kinds of foods that I wanted to, in small moderation of course. That way I could really enjoy myself and not have to worry about getting too off track. After Lake Placid, we traveled back to Albany for our senior tea, which was a fun time to yet again dress up, and yet again eat great food. The chocolate covered strawberries were the size of my fist, yes please!
My graduation on Sunday was one of the best days of my life. It was so exciting and full of happiness, but it was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. I am beyond obsessed with my school, and saying goodbye was no easy task, and something that I'm still getting used to, probably for awhile! But then again, I'm excited for college. Focusing on what's ahead, I am determined to keep up with my summer health goals, and to not jump off the heath train like last summer! I went grocery shopping and loaded the fridge with so many great things, motivating me to stay true to myself. Greek yogurt, strawberries, lettuce, you name it, it's in my fridge. What I love most about summer is how you can eat whatever you're in the mood for, and it is a-ok. Bowl of cereal for dinner because it's cool? Why not. I also bought a new drink called Neuro TRIM, which is so not like me, but I thought this one could be okay. It doesn't have many ingredients, and it's a fiber supplement drink that was recommended to me. I have to say, it tastes very good! I also have noticed that since drinking it, I feel full, but not uncomfortable. I'm not recommending it as a diet drink because I don't think that's the key to a healthy lifestyle, but I think it's interesting to try it out and see what it does to my body.
Delicious low sodium turkey breast, provolone, fiber one bread sandwich with fresh strawberries - delicious!
my Instagram shot of neuro trim! I'm working on my summer goals, so far planning out my meal goals and working out at least 4 times a week, fitting it in any way that I can. What are your goals, and how do you stick to them?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rainy Tuesday

Hello and happy Tuesday! I haven't written in awhile but I feel like I have so much to talk about! A few weeks ago I went to Woodstock with one of my best friends Annika and I had a great time. It was definitely a huge culture shock for me, which definitely made it that much better. Everyone just seemed generally relaxed and happy and I loved the vibe I got just from being in the town. So many cute little shops and cafes on the main stretch, and so much tye-dye! I definitely don't need to see tye-dye for the next 50 years after seeing so much all at once. I met some of her family and we just kicked back and relaxed, blissful. The huge thunderstorm Saturday night didn't hurt either. I took this picture when I was in town, because the guy literally just walked across the street bare footed and lied down on this bench. I couldn't get enough of him!
The end of the semester has brought lots of spur the moment celebrations, aka, food outings, and I've loved every second of it. As long as you order smartly, you can have just as much fun as everyone else without feeling guilty about eating something with crazy high calories! To celebrate a surprise day off of classes (school tradition) my friends and I went to the Cheesecake Factory! Sounds scary, but I got out with under $10 spent, under 500 calories eaten, and a full stomach. I usually get the factory chopped salad which is full of so many amazing veggies and super low cal, but I was absolutely craving pizza! So I compromised and got the sausage flatbread. All the love and yumminess of pizza, but 1 fourth of the calories. It was delicious.
And a couple weeks before that, we went to Ben and Jerry's to celebrate (something?) and instead of a creamy 400 calorie cup, I was just as satisfied with a lower calorie nonfat Frozen Greek Yogurt. Raspberry Fudge Chunk-so good!
Finally on to my workouts! So for the last couple of weeks I've been getting really down on myself for not seriously sweating and being sore like I used to be after and during my workouts, and I couldn't figure out why. Then a couple of weeks ago another one of my best friends Emily told me I should try a workout app! There's honestly an app for everything. So I downloaded Nike Training Club and I'm so amazed by my results. So many new workouts and I sweat like I've never sweat before during them. I do advanced level workouts, and choose workouts depending on whether or not I want to strength train or "lean up". Also, if I do big cardio, I have the option of doing 15-minute target workouts, which focus on any part of your body that you choose. So today I did 30 minute intervals on the treadmill, and then did a 15 minute butt-focus workout. I sweat as much as I did in the 15 minutes as I did on my run! Also, I finally feel sore after, and it's the best feeling ever. Moral of the story, go download the app and run to the gym! Eats wise, my dining hall just got Greek Yogurt-waahooo! It's the little things, but this, is, awesome. Also, I have become obsessed with my banana snack before workouts if I'm dragging going into it. I cut out about a quarter of the banana andI put a tablespoon of PB in it. So good, and so energizing.
I bought some Luna bars over the weekend and I'm so excited to try them out! One of the boxes is protein packed bars, so I'm even more excited for that! My weekend was really nice otherwise. Stayed off campus for a night and had a relaxing weekend and enjoyed the (somewhat nice) weather. We went on a really nice walk near Loudonville which made me a very happy girl and had some yummy food during the couple of days. It's supposed to be beautiful this weekend so I'm even more excited to be outside again. Definitely will have to make it exciting to write about it! Enjoy the rest of your week and I will update next week! -Linnhe

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

It's almost Thursday which means it's almost Friday which means it's almost the weekend! At least that's how I see it. I've been really in my ultra health zone lately and it feels so good. My last few workouts have really kicked my butt and I walk away sore! So hard to do but such a great feeling to accomplish.

My weekend was super nice, mainly because of the amazing weather we had here in New York. On Saturday we went out and had to do some work stuff, which definitely paid off because we went to Saratoga later on, which is one of the cutest towns around. It's preppy, has cute shopping, and near the water. What's better? We went to an Irish Pub and I had an amazing salad with grilled salmon that was just to die. Sunday not too much happened, I got some work done for the week and was lucky enough to go out again for some relaxation and yummy yummy sushi.

Moving on to the week, Monday was so beautiful outside I just couldn't bring myself to stay in. It was 90 degrees! Definitely the best April ever. I went on two runs earlier and later in the day and soaked in every stride, loving every second of it. I had class later at night and definitely felt my calves burning. Treadmill to outdoor running is definitely quite the transition, especially with the heat. Today was lazy in the morning, and ultra productive in the afternoon. I woke up and had a big wonderful breakfast (scrambled eggs, slice of wheat toast, and a small serving of potatoes) and relaxed until class later in the day. For lunch I had a big salad with dark greens, chicken, melon, and some veggies.

I of course was reading my favorite blog, , and came across a workout that I absolutely had to try. I got to the gym so pumped up and it felt incredible. Before I left the gym I was already seriously feeling it! I left the gym feeling amazing and still dripping with sweat, which is always my goal. Doing the interval workout definitely reminded me how important it is to switch up your workouts so that your body doesn't adapt to the same exercises.

-10 minute treadmill intervals (4.0-8.0, 1 minute per switch)
-50 plie squats (light weight)
-30 alternating lunges (medium weight)
-8 sumo squats (heavy weight)
-25 bicep curls (medium weight)
-25 squat jumps
-30 side lunges (medium weight)
-30 hip circles
Complete this circuit twice, and at the end, a 10 minute job/light run to cool down and move the body

Thank you Kjirsten for this amazing workout! Highly recommend to anybody looking to sweat.

For dinner I was starving and knew I needed to replenish my body with healthy yet filling foods. I had a big serving of green beans, 2 ounces of baked white cod, and 3 egg whites, all in marinara sauce. I also ate two rice cakes with PB and a little jelly because PB always makes my body feel satisfied and energetic.

My goal this week is to find some great new exercises to try out and to see how it changes my body to change things up. As of now, I already feel great with my new found love of intervals and circuits, and I'm excited to continue the trend.

What are your favorite circuit workouts? Where do you go for tips and inspiration?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Weekend and Intervals

Happy Saturday! Best day of the week if you ask me. I woke up this morning and had a small omelet with a little ham and a little cheese, and a side of whole wheat toast. Yum! After I digested a little, I planned out my workout and hit the gym. Today was my first attempt at intervals on the treadmill and let me tell you, I so wish I had started this method earlier. When I'm forced to run on a treadmill, I get so bored and 30 minutes feels like 74 hours because there is nothing interesting going on and the only thing to look at is the time. That being said, I took some advice and tried an interval workout on the treadmill and I'm telling you it was the best. I felt so accomplished, didn't worry about how much longer I had, and was shocked at how fast everything was going because I was only focused on little chunks of time for the 30 minutes.

After my run I did a little bit of strength training but not too much because I did it every day this week. I came back to my house, made a protein shake, and I feel back to my 100% already. Definitely a perfect way to start the day out.

This weekend is a little boring, nobody is really on campus and that leaves for nothing to do and nobody to do it with. Hannah and I went out to dinner last night, and being Friday, I got to splurge a little bit, which also motivates me for the rest of the week to eat cleanly. I had a sandwich sized serving of pulled pork (a southern girl cannot resist) without the bun, and a couple of sweet potato fries and I was full until this morning. And I can't forget my medium iced coffee for dessert! I breathe caffeine, healthy I know.

I'm going ice skating with a couple of friends in the area later for Agonies, and then out again for a fun night. Tomorrow is my study, clean, workout, relax day, and I must say I always look forward to it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Treats and Getting Back in the Game

Coming back from Spring Break has left me pretty busy, which has effected my eating habits and workouts a little bit, but if that's what life hands you. That being said, I always have to remind myself to prioritize what is more important, squeezing in a quick half-effort workout, or finishing that paper that's due in an hour? I'll be honest, writing the paper took lots of self convincing. That being said, I know things are going to slow down work wise now that the semester is coming to an end, and that means plenty of time to get back at it before this little season we like to call bikini body. My plan is to really just get back on track with keeping track of what I eat, not obsessively, but just to know, and also to keep planning out my workouts, which I really haven't slacked on.

Last week was so unbelievable weather wise that I got to run outside and I completely fell in love with it all over again, and now it's taken away from me? Not cool! So today I was yet again, inside, and did a good workout regardless.
Cardio: 40 minute elliptical (intervals, love this because it makes it bearable, and you burn so much!)
Arms: Free weights, several machines
Legs: -body bar lunges -body bar squats -body bar calf raises -backward lunges -BOSU bar lunges -AB/AD machine -Leg Press machine
Abs: -reverse crunch -body crunch -plank -side crunch -toe raise -water wheels -russian twists -v crunch -90 various crunches
-toe touch (I don't have my workout sheet but I think that's it for abs!)

Reporting on my new Hamilton Beach single-serve blender, I've used it three times already and I LOVE it. I highly suggest it to anyone, especially for only $16. I threw in a frozen banana, 4 frozen strawberries, 1/4 cup of milk, and half a scoop of whey protein powder vanilla. I sometimes throw in PB instead of the whey, and I haven't been too adventurous fruit wise but once the summer rolls around that will change. In summary, I love it. It's filling, and SO much healthier than a lot of other snacks I could be reaching for.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Work(out) With What You've Got

For the past week, it has been in the high 70's and low 80's here in Albany! How insane is that? I'm loving every second of it and taking it all in hoping it doesn't suddenly disappear.

That being said, one of my most important self rules is to do my workouts outside as much as I can when it's so beautiful outside. It frustrates me so much when I see people running on a treadmill when the weather outdoors is optimal running weather. Where is the logic in that!? I also find that it can be a little tricky to transition to outdoor workouts, just being so used to working out indoors with the same air and the same temperature.

Starting outside workouts, I know it's completely healthy and reasonable to start at a lower level, and work my way up, because your surrounding definitely impact how your body is able to exercise. This week so far, I've taken two outdoor runs, one elliptical session, and 2 long leisurely walks. My first day was a 15 minute run, which I easily surpass in the gym, and my second day was a 25 minute run, later followed by a more relaxing but brisk walk, just to be outside.

The nice thing about working out outside is that I feel so much less guilty about going to the gym afterward to get in some weight training, because I know I still have taken full advantage of the weather and that my body will be better through different ways of exercise.

One of my favorite things that I do daily which I've mentioned before is to write down my workout to bring with me to workout to motivate myself and also to stay on track. Here's an example of today's workout:

March 21, Wednesday

*Alter weight and reps to fit your ability*

Cardio: 40 minutes elliptical (moderate/vigorous - HIGHLY recommend interval training! Keeps you energized the whole time burning calories as rapidly as a steady pace.)

-body bar squat (40 reps, 18 pound bar)
-AB/AD leg machine (30 reps each leg, 60 pounds)
-forward lunge with body bar (20 reps, 18 lb.)
-backward lunge with body bar (10 reps, 18 lb)
-BOSU ball lunges (30)
-lying leg lift (30 on each leg).....lay sideways on a mat, your leg that is touching the matt should be flat and straight, with your upper leg curled, lift, lower, repeat, switch

Didn't do any arms today because of my carpal tunnel : (

-Ball Crunch (I take a 2 lb. med ball, put it between my bent knees, get into a crunch position, and do a crunch, touching my heels and shoulders to the ground in between each rep) (30)
-water wheels (10 forward, 10 backward, all slowly)
-bicycles (pause and hold legs in upward position, and slowly crunch each side) (20)
-backward crunch (great for lower abs, 25)
-toe touch (30)
-toe lift (like a backward crunch but legs are straight upward, 25)
-V reach (20)
-crunches, mix up your style every 20 reps (60)

cardio II:
-brisk 45 minute outdoor walk

I also have noticed a huge change in my appetite with this weather, making it so much easier to subdue warm and heavy food cravings, which is just one big added bonus. I ordered a personal blender smoothie so I'm excited to try it and join the trend! I'll update you with how it goes soon.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Throughout my weight loss journey and rise to a healthy lifestyle, I've realized that inspiration is one of the most essential parts of keeping on track with your goals and aspirations. Whether it's being surrounded by gym rats at the gym, reading other blogs (my starter!), or psyching yourself out however you can, you truly are responsible for getting your butt in shape.

In the last few months I've taken to my handy little notebook to inspire me. I keep my notebook to write out what I eat, sometimes the calories I've consumed, and also a pre-planned workout. Writing everything out really puts my day into context, and makes me face reality, when the number and amounts can become a little blurry at the end of the day if I don't record what I've done.

Writing out a minute-to-minute workout is also my method to pump myself up, because it gives me a goal to reach, and also gives me a great feeling to be able to check off each workout after completing them, instead of aimlessly running around the gym.

Some other little inspiring tips I use are to look at inspiring people! If I'm on a stationary bike or the elliptical, there's nothing like opening up a glossy fitness magazine with back to back pages of fit, happy people preaching their energy to you! Before the gym, guilty as charged, I love to go onto Pinterest (shout out to my new obsession!) and look up fitness tips and inspiring pins, because I find myself jumping up and running to the gym after a few minutes.

In the past year, so many people have reached out to me to help them get into shape, and not only is it a great compliment, but it's inspiring on it's own to keep yourself healthy and to encourage others to become healthy, too. That being said, time for me to start being publicly inspiring. My goal is to start recording my eats and some workouts for myself and for anyone who needs a little jump start.

Inspiring, right!?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

New Post, Fresh Start

Hi everyone! (0 followers but I can pretend!)

I haven't updated the blog in about a year, and I've noticed how much it has made a difference in my commitment to my health, so I have decided to bulk up the posts and jump back on the band wagon.

My goals for the blog are to keep my everyday eats updated with pictures and details, daily workouts, and also just a general gist of whatever I think will be remotely interesting to keep note of in my life, with some tips here and there.

My semester ends May 27 (graduating!) and I'm spending one last summer at home working, so I know that being healthy will need to be a big priority, because I know it gets hard once I leave my routine.

Anyway, super excited to come back!