Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Love thy body, Love thy self

A few years ago, my life changed so exponentially after changing my lifestyle of diet, look on the world, and most importantly, outlook on my own body. I'm happier, healthier, and ever since I've found this magical place, I've wanted to pass on the word to get you there, too. I'll focus on weight loss tips the healthy way, nutrition, personal happiness, and finding peace with your inner self, all things towards a healthier, happier you.

For my first post, I figure, why not talk about what first drew me into this way of living, and start from the very beginning? As a young female in today's world, I constantly face distorted body images, "fad" diets, and the constant pressure to look good. I tried everything. Taping pictures of Victoria's Secret models to my fridge, eating Lean Cuisines for every meal, and believing anything people would tell me would lead me towards success. One day I stopped and realized, why am I doing this? This Lean Cuisine is full of junky preservatives, I'm always hungry, and every I lose the weight, it's back on in a week.

It was then that I stopped obsessing about the body and person I was trying to become, and began focusing on my own body, loving it for what it is, and how I can get it to it's healthiest, in the most positive and natural ways possible.

The first step (after admitting my bizarre yet common problem...) was to do some serious research. I looked to the experts, and went to my library to check out stacks and stacks of health and body books. (See-I even became organic with my research!) Within hours, I was completely consumed. I was so inspired and completely horrified with what I was doing to my body for so long. After all what had it ever done badly to me? I knew it was time for some serious forgiveness, and I began to change my lifestyle from then on.

I have found a peace with myself that I never knew I could discover, I lost weight without even trying, and I learned to love everything about myself, inside and out, a feeling I will never look back from. Now I want to take you there, at your own pace, and with your own rules, because I know that you will love the results and will love yourself.

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