Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Things to be Happy About

So the past couple of days have been personally beyond terrible, and in spite of this, I've decided to remind myself of all the good things. I think it's important to always remember the things in your life that make you happy on the good days instead of losing sight of them on the rare bad days. That being said, make a list, take a breather, and smile!

-All of this dreary rain recently will bring even more beautiful flowers, green grass, and warm weather by the end of it.
-It's iced coffee season, go experiment and enjoy!
-Time to officially put away the winter clothes, no more having to unpack them after being overly hopeful.
-You can take long walks and play outside! In the heat!
-It's beach and pool season, grab a bikini, a good book, and veg for the day.
-Everyone is overall in a better mood and smiling in the sunshine
-You now have a legitimate excuse to procrastinate because you really do have to give yourself that pedicure.
-Open toed shoes!
-It's baseball season, fan or not, go to a game with some friends and a good time is sure to be had.
-Cookies are a year round food!
-You are loved
-The white iPhone has finally arrived!
-You can drink summery drinks with little umbrellas and not look strange because it's snowing
-It's not snowing!
-Warm weather by law requires more ice cream outings
-Friend and family barbeques

These are just a few things, and just by thinking about them it's hard to not crack a smile. When the going gets rough, focus on what's ahead and what the great things are that are in front of you, because through thick and thin, they are bound to be there.

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